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The Complete Guide On How To Increase Website Traffic


In this article, you are gonna learn about a few of the best and most effective ways that can help you increase the traffic to your website. Nowadays, every business has a website, and the benefits of having your own website are innumerable. So if you a website owner or professional in any field is looking for ways on how to increase website traffic or how to get more traffic to your site then it’s the right place for you.

Every company wants to have a good marketing strategy and for that reason many marketing agencies provide services to small businesses in order to promote their products. However, there are so many other factors that one should keep in mind when promoting his/her business like website optimization, social media marketing, etc. This kind of an activity can be time consuming. And you don’t want to spend your time there. If you are running a limited budget then look no further. You can still go ahead with these ways in which you can get more website visitors without spending a dime. Here we will discuss five such approaches to increase blog traffic:

Use Google Adwords to Promote Your Blog!

Image by Photo Mix from Pixabay

You can make use of adwords like Google Adwords and get free ad space on different websites as well. This not only increases your sales but also helps your blog to rank higher because your page is visible to users who search using google. So without doubt, Google Adwords is the best way to go on how to improve the website traffic through website optimization.

So you can start promoting your product on YouTube by using keyword research tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, etc., and soon it’ll convert into organic traffic for your blog. It really works like magic. All you need to do is make videos on your WordPress blog where people could subscribe and watch it regularly to know new things. Once they come to know, they would be interested in doing a similar project like yours. And because of that you could easily bring in a number of new web visitors from here.

Write Unique SEO Content In A Short Time-frame

It doesn’t matter whether you write unique content or not on your blog. But remember that the key to making a huge impact is to publish relevant content at the time your readers are ready for it.

And as mentioned earlier in our previous post, you need to give enough reasons to convince them to read your post! After all, people will read through your posts and decide if your content is worth reading. That’s why you should know what kind of content works best for your audience. According to us experts, long and short blog posts are two of the most popular types. They are both equally good. When writing longer post, keep your audience engaged with lots of interesting information. For example, there is no harm in telling you some stories about your journey on Kaggle competitions or any other similar contests. There are some great examples provided by writers here on Medium and there are lots of sources to find more related articles.

To increase the website traffic, you can also try the following tips:

Write Articles About Something Related To What You're Doing

If you’re a freelance blogger then write articles about something that you do every day. Tell people what kind of projects you are working on, what courses or certificates you are taking, how long you worked on your first project, etc. Make sure you list down any useful resources from your Github and other web sites on your online portfolio. At least mention some keywords that people might Google and ask about. Include anything you think your readers like and discuss the topic in depth. Add a video clip to the introduction and tell if they will appreciate it.

Include Social Media Links on Your Site

Social media has become the biggest part of everyone’s life nowadays. So in order to appear on the top pages of Google, you need to share your account link and content on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, etc. So if you can manage to create some links that can bring a lot of new subscribers to your site, then that’s awesome. Now let’s say you have 10+ followers on each of these social media platforms. Don’t worry too much about how big those numbers are. Just work towards increasing the number as per post every single one of these posts. People always love seeing new faces and the change they see is really nice. If you are having a large fan base, then you are going to take care of getting those links back and forth to their fans too. As a result, the number of followers or followers you have on just these three social media platforms would increase immensely and you would end up over 1000 followers.

Post Interesting Videos on Youtube Inorder To Boost Traffic On Your Site

Now you may be wondering what the heck is “interesting videos”? Well, I was going to discuss it in another post. Keep in mind that videos aren’t just a clickable button for your text. If you’ve watched a couple of videos, then the chances are pretty high for your viewers to want to watch more videos in the future. So whenever you can make videos and post them on Youtube, then you can make your blog ranking better.

The steps on how to make youtube videos on your website can be found here. Create the video and then add your link to it on your main blog post. Write whatever script you would want and let others do the editing work on the video. Then submit the video on Youtube.

Put Up Infographics on Your Website

Infographics are very powerful visual aids and they can be used in any sort of format. The infographic below is a perfect example to show the importance of infographics in your marketing material:

So it will be really beneficial for you to put them on every single webpage of your site. Not only this but the use of infographics can help a business to stand out and gain more attention. By having such visual elements in your entire web layout, you can help the user go crazy about your brand. Make sure you include the infographic to your homepage properly and then put it under every category so that it doesn’t feel confusing to find.

Follow The Latest Trends in Web Designing

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay 

Web designers are so talented that they even came up with new trends everyday and these days. There are so many latest designs available on the web. You can explore them and choose the ones which match your idea. Try to follow these latest trends in the web design industry and then incorporate them in your blog. Yes you have the freedom to experiment with any design you like. Or you can do the opposite. If you can’t do either of these, then you can stick with classic layouts and create beautiful design elements that can grab the attention of your reader and make him browse for more of them.

To be able to take full advantage of the popularity of current trends, you can always engage your website’s SEO team. Hire someone to do research for you on particular topics. Also when designing your web pages, make sure to create a plan. Think of it in advance and then break it down.

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