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8 Best online Work From Home Jobs In 2022

You are looking for ways to make extra income during the coronavirus crisis? Here are some work from home jobs you can pursue right now!

Working from home can be one of life’s best career options during these difficult times. It allows us to work from wherever we want (at our own pace), and we can avoid having to commute to an office or another workplace on a regular basis. Plus it gives us the freedom to choose the schedule and day-to-day requirements that suits both our lifestyle and what kind of job that is for us.

In this article, you will see six good online work from home jobs that you can find through sites such as Indeed, indeedjobs.co.uk and Laysay. Working from home also provides many other opportunities, so don’t underestimate the benefits of this type of business.

As always, make sure you do your research before applying for any remote jobs and get in touch with the relevant agencies before even making a decision. Also keep reading to learn about the different types of online work from home jobs available in UK and other countries around the world in 2021 and 2022

1)    Digital Nomad

Salary Range: $35,000 –$48,500 per year

Image by Matthias Zeitler from Pixabay

Digital nomads earn money by traveling around the globe, and connecting to live data and information all over the globe using technology and applications. On this particular site, you need to create a profile and upload recent travels, but you will be looking at hundreds of job postings from many digital nomad locations. The most popular destinations include cities like Sydney, London and Mumbai. A typical day might look like this: First you are given a list of jobs to search for, then there are search filters for the location of each city you’re looking to visit. If you think it sounds exciting and interesting, you can apply to be the nomad of choice. However, if you have enough experience and knowledge, you can move further into becoming a freelance worker.

2)   Virtual Assistant

Salary Range: $25,000 – $55,000 per year

Virtual assistants do everything from managing emails to helping clients with their administrative tasks and organizing their schedules, to help a client get on top of things and organize their housework and personal lives in order to maintain a balanced lifestyle and productivity. With flexible hours and the ability to work remotely or from different parts of the country, virtual assistants can make a big difference in the lives of their customers. If you’d like to become part of this busy team of professionals, you could apply by taking a test online or sending in an application letter via email.

3)   Freelance Writer/Email Designer

Salary Range: $38,000 –$91,000 per year

Freelance writers need not only to possess writing skills but also have creative thinking ability. This means their work needs to be well written, which means that they need to be highly analytical in order to produce high-quality content that works in the market. To achieve their goals of quality writing, this requires great writing skills, but great writing expertise is essential. Therefore, freelance writers can easily become digital designers by creating websites or marketing campaigns. As a freelance writer, you could do it by offering services in your existing portfolio and start reaching out more clients and find new ones. It will take some time before you start earning money from your clients. But when this happens, you can increase your earnings significantly

Another thing you could add to your resume is a series of links that provide valuable facts and statistics on your work, so when someone checks your website, they know exactly who you are and what you have done. You can add a few lines of text describing your current projects, but it is better to stay away from them since they often seem clunky.

Many people start freelancing after graduating from university, so it makes sense to apply after completing your studies. Your CV should convey what you can bring to the table and how much you can contribute to your chosen field.

4)   Web Development Specialist

Salary Range: $59,000 –$180,000 per year

If you go for web development jobs, you’ll most likely need to understand HTML and CSS in order to work effectively. And this doesn’t need to be complicated: just write your name and a short summary of your interests on a sheet of paper, and print it on sticky note paper. Then, go to a local community Facebook or Google group for local students, where you could meet other Web Developers and ask for advice and support (website builders can provide excellent assistance on this matter). After meeting with several groups, ask yourself: Do I enjoy doing this work and would I like to carry out it remotely from my own place? As soon as you’re ready to begin, sign up and prepare to work from anywhere or on any device. Not only does it give you the flexibility of working from home and your own time zone, but it will also allow you to discover new hobbies, ideas and solutions and gain inspiration from others. You’ll be working on websites with multiple pages and user-friendly pages that are built on various technologies such as PHP, Java script, HTML and CSS.

5)   Content Marketing Specialist

Salary Range: $40,937 –$50,122 per year

Content marketing specialists create a unique, engaging and informative media message that will impress your audience, build trust and loyalty for your brand, attract leads, convert prospects, enhance customer engagement and make conversions. They use content marketing techniques such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click advertising (PPC) to attract audiences to your site and generate sales. As soon as your profile shows a steady stream of past successful projects along with a strong degree of technical knowledge and experience, apply for the position of a content marketing specialist.

6)   SEO Expert

Salary Range: $30,937 – $40,122 per year

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Search engine optimization (SEO), to put it simply, helps grow your organic page ranking in search engines like Yahoo and Google. So by linking to your brand, blog and your other posts, you’ll be able to improve your rankings. For the majority of consumers, search engines and keywords are a direct reflection of your authority and credibility. By mastering the basics of search engine optimization, you will improve your presence on major keywords and search results. If you’re skilled at coding, you could also learn SEO and become a WordPress expert, which will ensure you get high results by using advanced software tools and algorithms.

7)   Social Media Manager

 Salary Range: $34,000 – $90,000 per year

Social media managers are responsible for keeping social networks of companies active and connected. Their main responsibilities are to review reports, manage conversations, post updates, engage in conversation management and perform analytics and report data that go beyond daily activity. These types of work can be carried out remotely or from different parts of the world where it is needed. If you apply for this profession, you will have to master the basics of social media platform marketing, which includes promoting, sharing, commenting and liking. Being a manager takes a lot of time and experience, however, if you want to advance, seek assistance by participating in an online course or learning from experts. Once you complete it, apply to become a social media manager.

8) Business Analyst

Salary Range: $28,300 – $97,700 per year

Business analysts may have to deal with plenty of complex issues, which you must solve together with your company’s CEO and his/her staff. As a professional business analyst, you’ll be tasked with conducting surveys and analyses. That way, you can analyze the situation, predict trends and suggest possible actions for solving problems. Since the Internet offers users with endless opportunities to share ideas and feedback, you can choose to study at least a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Business Administration to gain access to real cases. You can also obtain training in project management, database technologies, international strategy or any other related field where you will continue exploring the industry.

Most jobs listed above require an applicant to have some sort of previous experience in the same area, or even just a basic familiarity with general knowledge. This means you don’t want to waste your energy and time studying something and then being disappointed, because these positions will come with your full time commitment, so you need to get started. Moreover, it makes you very attractive to recruiters and potential employees who do not have extensive experience.

You don’t need to worry because you have lots of options and chances if you prove yourselves. Before applying to any of the jobs, remember to learn as much as possible about the company that you’ll be working with. Get familiar with the culture, its values and its aims. The more professional and experienced you appear, the better chance you have of receiving the offer you’ve been waiting for and getting a proper job as quickly as possible.

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