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The Six Elements Of Self-Improvement


If you want to progress in your job or business, it is important that you consider the importance of one core skill. This skill is called “The six elements of self-improvement,” a term coined by Dr. Joseph Schmitz and is used to describe our psychological processes. You may have heard about the four stages of development of personality: oral, anal, logical (and spatial), social, creative(). In short, being mentally evolved, is a critical factor of success in life. Let’s dig a little deeper into the subject and see what these six elements are.

The Oral Stage:

This is when we think and feel through the lens of others. We are often more concerned with how others perceive our behavior than with why we are behaving the way we do. When we engage in behaviors that are viewed as negative or problematic by those around us, we become a “misbehaving person.”

This kind of thinking leads to poor health and causes a lack of focus. Not only does this lead to stress, but also causes mental fatigue, which can hinder productivity. And when it comes to relationships, people may begin to see you as unfaithful and uninvolved or even untrustworthy.

Now let’s take a look at the five main areas, which can help increase our performance and happiness. They are: Socialization, Emotional Stability, Confidence, Self-awareness/compassion, Trustworthiness. To better understand each of the areas, first you must think about your own perception of yourself, then apply it to your surroundings. Here is how you should think about the area:

Socialization –

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay 

What things do I like and dislike? Where do I hang out, who I hang around, and how I interact with others? How much do I tend to push my ego aside, get upset over minor problems, or otherwise avoid people? These questions should serve as a guide for your self-talk. When you find yourself talking to yourself in this manner, make sure you’re not talking to yourself. Take the time to realize that what you say to yourself plays a massive role in how other people view you! Your thoughts can set the tone for how you act and react.

Emotional Stability – A lot of times, when we’re feeling up to the task, we’ll tell ourselves that we’re overprepared. But really, we’re nervous. So we might be underprepared for tasks or maybe we’ve been put off by a particular project because we’ve been preoccupied with another area of concern. We should take the time to recognize if what we’re saying to ourselves is true or not!

Confidence –

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 

Do I believe in myself, and am I confident in my ability to perform well? Have I tried to accomplish some hard task before, and was able to complete them successfully? Can I give someone something without any hesitation, and can I follow instructions correctly and efficiently? Being confident in one’s ability is a key to self-confidence, which helps us feel capable and empowered in our daily lives. As well as confidence in our abilities, knowing how strong you are is crucial to having a positive attitude and a positive outlook.

Self-awareness/compassion – Are you genuinely happy? Does your positive feelings outweigh your negative feelings? Maybe just because you felt the emotions before they did or during an experience, did you allow them to linger, and now they are all gone or even worse, did you act upon them? One thing we need to pay attention to is this. Our reactions to situations and people can affect our mood. By recognizing how our mind works and acting accordingly, we can prevent mistakes from happening. Just by paying attention to what our minds are doing and how we’re reacting to certain events. If there is an event or interaction we think about that upsets us or makes us upset, we can redirect our thought to something else.

Trustworthiness – Are you trustworthy? Is your intention of doing work, meeting deadlines, and staying organized? Even though you aren’t 100 percent sure that you’re totally reliable and prepared to continue your day, we know this is the case in most cases. But when we take responsibility for any part of our actions that can negatively impact others, we can get back on track. It is crucial for us to learn to trust ourselves and be compassionate while performing tasks.

Our next step is to ask ourselves how much responsibility we can take. How much can we control our reaction to certain situations or interactions? Does it seem appropriate? Think about your situation and think about ways you can make improvements on your part to keep things smooth. Remember, although we control everything, it is a mutual process. Make sure you’re aware of your role and your goals for yourself. Taking responsibility for your own role in the world does wonders for not only your physical health, but for your overall welfare as well. There are several tips, which help us develop self-awareness and reduce our worry and anxiety.

We often get distracted with the outside world, our ego, or whatever else is going on in life. The simple truth that we are often preoccupied with what’s wrong. We think about all the negative things that we could possibly do that would cause us immense pain or hurt that makes us unhappy, but also the opportunities and possibilities that we can be happy. Asking ourselves the question “What can I change” can go a long way for making the best possible choices and getting us on the right path.


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