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9 Robotic Process Automation Solutions To Improve Your Business (And How They Work)


With the growing trend of switching to online marketing, you may be wondering what AI applications you can derive from automating matters in the business. What people must understand is that Artificial Intelligence (AI) delivers a strong impact in the eCommerce field and is capable to offer a competitive edge for your customers. It can make a huge difference in enhancing your brand identity. You need to incorporate them to stay relevant in this ever-changing world which revolves around technologies. Today, we are going to talk about some powerful tools that will help you with improving sales and branding. But before that let us know why it's important to look into ways on how to deal with these applications?

What Is The Impact Of Machine Learning On Our Life?

Let’s see the use case- Amazon employs machine learning to improve their customer experience and enhance the shopping experience. This technology helps them optimize logistics and supply chain management, improve customer service through improved chatbots, predictive algorithms, personalization, personalized recommendations etc- etc.

So now it is crucial to find out more about how to leverage the power of smart automation. So here is an analysis that will guide you to get started with a list of the best AIs that can create a massive difference for you-


1- Amazon Rekognition :

Image by kirstyfields from Pixabay 

Here you can see many of the new inventions from Alexa, Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant etc. all of which employ artificial intelligence to improve the user experience. In our life, it gives away suggestions on what to order or buy based on different factors like, weather, current traffic condition etc. The fact that you don't have to tell Alexa or any other assistant what you want is quite exciting for shoppers! It also enables users to make voice command to view product inventory, and can read text reviews as well. Moreover, there are several possibilities to use Rekognitivitiion such as

— Listing Search Results

— Order Fulfillment & Delivery

— Recommendation Based Searches

— View Product Details page

— Video Shopping

— Shop Now

— Create Your Own Shopping Cart

— Buy For Free

— Image Search

— Basket Finders

It offers various options to shop at a click of a button. By offering the complete solution, Amazon has made themselves the most trusted source in providing better and faster access to eCommerce services.

2- Apple Inc — Siri — It is one of the most useful software applications that is used by millions of users around the globe and brings benefits. Its features are just amazing. You can say “Hey Siri” and ask it almost anything, and then you can even ask Siri to play a song, answer questions, send text messages, take appointments, listen to music and set reminders and more! It brings convenience, ease and simplicity to everything it touches. Not only that but it becomes very easy to integrate with other devices and other applications. It brings an excellent level of security as well and protects every user's data. Along with this, it makes a tremendous sense if you ask “Hey Siri”, it will return you a list of nearby places, restaurants and news. This application enables users to live in a completely digital world.

3- Facebook Messenger:

Image by kropekk_pl from Pixabay 

I am not going to lie here. Many times when I open up my Facebook account, I have seen the image of the latest advertisement that appears below me with the notification that someone bought something through my link. You can imagine how frustrating it can be to watch the advertisements while searching for products that are related to your daily life. Or the content that appears while making purchases and finding something else that looks good. However, Facebook Messenger has brought down the monotony of ads and offers the possibility to browse the web and to search for products on the internet. Thus, it is no surprise that this feature is considered as the next big thing, because it is working well and delivering amazing results. We also know how much Facebook invested in research and development as compared to others. All in all, Messenger is being supported by a number of companies worldwide. This means that they have already created a lot of value in this aspect. Let’s move onto another interesting part- Instagram.

4- Microsoft Azure — It provides you with cloud-based computing and storage solutions and allows you to host multiple apps. Along with this, you can also run small businesses and independent developers without worrying. And if there is a problem with performance, you can always rely upon Azure experts to fix the issue. There are many applications and services provided by the company for developing and integrating your apps. With the power of Microsoft Azure, you can build a great app like Whatsapp but also create a mobile game, develop a video streamer, develop an editor in HTML5 and Node.js etc. They allow developers to become creative and bring the best ideas into the platform. Also, they have an extensive library of components; so you can start using it right away.

5- Uber Technologies, Inc – As it has been mentioned earlier, the market is flooded with various startups in the tech sector, however, having one of them is quite challenging. Most of these new players try to adopt the latest techniques to survive and grab attention. One such startup is Uber Technologies, Inc– it is the leading taxi company and rideshare company across the United States and many countries. Their mission is to provide drivers with affordable and accessible transportation to their customers. From their website, they aim to make sure they do everything for the safety of their employees and maintain the clean environment. It makes to their vision a perfect fit to their core values. They have really taken big steps towards achieving that and have implemented a range of measures to ensure the ride-share industry gets back to its old glory- ride sharing. With such moves that they have made, riders can enjoy the freedom of city mobility without the hassle of parking or driving a car. At present it is available in 11 cities of North America–Atlanta– Boston– Chicago– Dallas– Denver – Los Angeles– Long Beach– Miami– New York– San Francisco– Seattle– and Washington, D.C. The price starts at $15 and goes up from there. It takes less than 3 minutes to reach home and a few minutes to reach your destination– and more importantly, your time. So if you are looking for a simple way to go with your kids and your friends or work, hop on by signing up for Uber. It is the future.

6- Lyft — Yes, this is yet another popular mode of transport. An exceptional example is the Lyft, who provides great opportunity for you to meet others and share your journey. It has a huge potential to connect people who never thought of getting people from place to place. Because its service is free, it doesn't need your credit card, and there is no minimum amount to hold. It connects anyone anytime and anywhere. Through Lyft, the service becomes easy to earn a living. No matter where you are, you are all in a single place and you can drive your dream car on demand. It gives an unprecedented flexibility to individuals and families and allows users to choose whether they want to live in the city or live far from home. So if you also plan to own a fleet of cars, it would be a great idea to use this mode of transport with the proper training.

7- Grab — Grab is one of the biggest food delivery companies in the country. It comes as a handy option to pick up any kind of product in terms of food, for those who are searching for the best deals for their household needs. It comes with both domestic and international customers. It works in accordance with the requirement of the area and can be used for deliveries across towns and cities. Being extremely convenient as well as safe, it serves over 250+ metropolitan areas of the USA and serves 20+ metropolitan regions too. Apart from that, it also opens many more opportunities for the job seekers to apply for jobs and take them up on the road to deliver. You can sign up using your email id to avail for grab. You can register on their website and then make a payment. Then you can give your orders and get instant cash. After getting the order, the delivery person will arrive to collect it right within the agreed deadline. Hence, you have got yourself a quick, easy and an efficient form of money transfer.

8- Swiggy - Do you think Swiggy is the ultimate grocery delivery app? Well, yes, for almost everyone. Swiggy is an eCommerce grocery delivery platform available in over 30 countries across the globe. They carry an assortment of fresh groceries and other essential products. It delivers doorstep delivery of local and bulk grocery items. They can help you to select your preferred item from their wide selection and ship it to your doorsteps in few clicks. Apart from this, Swiggy helps you find and buy stuff easily by showing the nearest stores, shops, shopping centers, markets and malls. That way, you can easily avoid crowded and hectic shopping mall and save loads of time. You don't need to visit store after store to finalise the purchase and pay in time. How it is done? Simply download their App (Swiggy), order your item on their online store and leave them to go with your bike and go. Don't worry about getting hungry while waiting on long queues. Just keep the food at hand and wait with the same app till you get home.

9- Gojobo, Inc.- Gobi, meaning "Goo" and Buddo, Inc., meaning "Buddha". Both were originally founded in Korea. It is currently regarded as the second largest messenger in South Korea.


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